A letter to Fitzroy North Poem

You can tell our town’s tradition by the silo’s standing tall.Rupanyup’s a wheat town, but now there ain’t no wheat at all.And what’s a bloke to do all day when there ain’t no crop to cut,When drought sits like an overdraft and your only pub is shut? The shutting of our grand old pub was like the tolling of a bell,The heart’s been ripped out of our town, and most of the liver as well. We just keep on keeping on because we know no other way. Read More

Grow your life dream

What is your vision? Dream for yourself. Write it down. Put it by your bed. Now write down the steps to get you there. For example: – Complete school with A ’grade, find your way through university, complete university, become a doctor. Now write down the actions and the habits you need to reach each step. Dream big! The whole world awaits you. Dare to fail. When you fail, you learn, so there is no real failure, only advancement. Turn every setback into an advantage. Read More